Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pharmacists Have Expanded Duties in CA

California may have found one solution to the primary-care physician shortage. On October 1, Gov. Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill No. 493 that will expand the ability of pharmacists to serve patients and collaborate with other healthcare providers.  The result will be an increase in access to care and efficiency, as patients without primary-care providers can now receive treatment from their local pharmacist, instead of trying to find a doctor in their network or waiting until their condition worsens to visit the emergency department.

The legislation authorizes pharmacists to administer drugs and routine vaccinations, as well as order and interpret tests to monitor drug therapies.  Advanced-practice pharmacists will gain board recognition to perform additional functions normally performed by a physician or nurse practitioner, such as patient assessments.
The bill, in its original form, allowed pharmacists to perform these duties without the collaboration of a physician. However amendments were put in place to include integration with a physician and create the advanced-pharmacist designation, with appropriate education and training.

The primary-care provider shortage in California is expected to worsen as the ACA expands coverage to millions of uninsured Californians. The goal of this legislation is to create another avenue of access to healthcare for patients who are unable to access a primary-care provider.

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